Holidays in Italy

How to buy tickets for concerts, football, exhibitions, theaters in Italy on your own

Tickets for most concerts, football matches in Italy, as well as theaters, operas, museums, galleries, you can buy yourself by registering on the official website It is also convenient to watch the schedule of events and plan a vacation, but first things first.

Why register?

  1. You will always see the history of orders and all tickets will be stored in your account;
  2. In order not to fill in your data every time - this is convenient;
  3. When buying a ticket from an official intermediary, you are insured against overpayments and scammers. You do not need to ask friends, acquaintances to transfer your card details and money to third parties.

The registration process is very simple (tested on your grandmother, who is 85 years old), you need to know English or Italian at a minimum level. Let's consider step by step:

Check in

We go to the registration page.

Enter account information

It is not necessary to enter personal data for registration (preferably), but when booking tickets you will need them, so it’s easier to fill in the fields once according to the example.

We put 2 ticks of consent with the privacy policy of the site. Press REGISTER NOW.

The following confirmation email will be sent to your inbox:

The letter will contain your username and password, which can be restored to this mailbox. Also your confirmations of reservations will come here.

Perhaps, when buying or registering you will be asked for Codice Fiscale - it can be generated online at and, you need to enter the date and country of birth, first name and surname.

A confirmation of successful registration will appear on the site, now you can go to your personal account in the upper right corner. It was easy, right?

Here you can change your registration data if necessary, and most importantly, see the order history (My Order History). Click View status now.

We get into the paid orders section, for example, here I see my past purchases for 2016.

By clicking on the order, you see the details and booking code. In my example, these are tickets to the Borghese Gallery.

Congratulations, now you can independently buy tickets for all cultural events in Italy. It remains to choose where to go.

Event selection

If you know exactly the place where you want to buy tickets, then simply enter, for example, Galleria Borghese in the search box. You can draw ideas of cultural recreation in the sections: Concerts, Sports, Museums / Exhibitions, Theaters.

And you can choose a city and see the current events in it on the dates of your stay.

Football tickets

Buying soccer tickets in Italy is one of the most popular questions for readers. ITALY FOR ME. Now everything is simple - we go into the Sport-Football section and select the match of which team we want to visit. You can filter matches by city or a specific time period.

An important feature is that top matches often you can’t buy tickets earlier than a week. Initially, they are distributed among tiffozi with club cards and paid membership for a year. For example, for a Roma-Lazio or Milan-Juventus match, you will have to catch luck by the tail about 4-5 days before the match or buy tickets on the spot.

  • See instructions: how to buy football tickets in Rome

For most ordinary matches of the Italian championship, you can buy tickets without problems in advance. For example, match tickets to Fiorentina-Bologna cost from 40 to 120 euros.

It is important that football tickets are all registered. You with a printed voucher / confirmation that will come to the post office immediately after payment, you need to show a passport or any identification card with your photo and Latin name same as on the ticket before entering the stadium.

Concert tickets

On Ticketone you can buy tickets for almost any concert in Italy, moreover, often the visit of world stars by itself can become a reason for travel. For example, on November 30, 2017, Alice Cooper will perform in Milan, tickets from 42 to 331 euros.

At concerts of stars of the first magnitude, tickets are often sold out in 4-6 months, so I advise you not to delay planning.

Tickets for Opera and Theater

Similarly, you can independently purchase tickets to the Roman opera or one of the theaters.

Or even some of the performances of the La Scala theater in Milan

Again, I recommend buying theater tickets as early as possible, since the theatergoers are buying up the best or cheapest tickets in a few months.

I am sure this instruction will be useful to you and there will be much more cultural rest on your trips, and there will be less surprises with buying tickets.

Watch the video: Basquiat: Boom For Real - A 360 Exhibition Tour (May 2024).

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