How to get there

How to get from Rome to Naples

The distance from Rome to Naples is 225 kilometers, and the road, depending on the means of transportation, will take you from 1 to 3 hours. The fastest and most comfortable way to get to Naples from Rome is by high-speed train, the car is suitable for independent travelers planning a trip to the south of Italy, and the cheapest option is a bus, students and people with a limited budget. Of course, we will consider in detail all the options.

Read also about the sights of Naples.

By train

  • Travel time: 1-3 hours
  • Cost: from 12 to 40 euros

The fastest and most comfortable way to get from Rome to Naples is through the Trenitalia or ItaloTreno high-speed train. If you buy a ticket in 1-2 days or immediately at the box office, then the cost will approach 40 euros. During the season, tickets can only be booked in business class, which are 2-3 times more expensive.

Last year I use official application, which helps to compare prices for all trains in Italy - I recommend it to buy tickets specifically for Trenitalia, the prices are exactly the same as on the carrier’s website (only nothing is buggy and does not break). After the purchase, you immediately see all your tickets from your computer or phone. If you install the application on your Anroid or iPhone, then traveling is generally easy. At Italotreno, I usually take tickets through their website, as it works great and allows me to choose places in the Prima class. See relevant instructions.

If you have a lot of time and you want to save, then there is the opportunity to sort the cheapest options. Regional trains from Rome to Naples cost about 13 euros, travel time will be about 2-3 hours. It is also possible to choose a convenient station for you in Rome - Termini, Ostiense, Tiburtina, and departure time.

Of course, buying tickets in 1-2 months, you can significantly save money or get to Naples by high-speed train at a regional price.

  • We recommend visiting: private excursions in Naples

By bus

  • Ticket price: from 5 to 20 euros
  • Travel time: about 2.5-3 hours

The cheapest way to get from Rome to Naples is with FlixBus buses.

You can also buy tickets on the official website of the carrier, or compare prices using the Omnio application, which will show you all the offers. In my experience, if you already travel around Italy by bus, then only by Flixbass, since they have new comfortable buses, and the prices, as you noticed, are very pleasant.

By car

  • Travel time: about 2.5-3 hours

The option to travel to Naples by car is suitable if you plan to visit the capital of Campania by car.

From traffic in Naples, the hair will stand on end even for the most experienced driver, but if you like the thrill and have steel nerves, then welcome.

From Rome to Naples there is a toll road A1 / E45, and its cost is about 20 euros. You can also make your way through regional roads along the sea, but in the summer months you can get there for hours at a time, especially in the afternoon, when Italians return home from the beaches.

You can compare prices, rent a car at a bargain price and read about the features of Italian roads on the site

I advise you to read:


  • Travel time: about 2 hours
  • Cost: 360 euros for 1-4 passengers

For travelers who prefer maximum comfort, there is the opportunity to get from Rome, for example, directly from Fiumicino Airport to Naples, by ordering a Mercedes E-class transfer from the most reliable Italian in the world, Sergio, at Sincerely recommend.

If you have questions, or want to share your experience with other travelers, leave your comments under the article.

Watch the video: Rome to Naples on the Frecciarossa highspeed train (May 2024).

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