
Where in Italy to live well, and where - not very ...

A study of quality of life in various regions of Italy in 2013, conducted by the University of La Sapienza, confirmed a well-known fact: in the leaders of Trentino and Lombardy, in the tail - Calabria

The situation is such that a peculiar “border of well-being” has formed in Italy, let’s call it that. The division, which Umberto Bossi and his League of the North did not manage to advance in the parliament, happened by itself. At the same time, the North was also divided from cent to south by an imaginary red line running along the Apennine ridge from Tuscany to Emilia-Romagna.

As expected, a study of living standards in 2013 among 110 Italian provinces, conducted by the University of La Sapienza (apt. "Knowledge"), showed that the championship again belongs to Milan. It is followed by Monza, Brianza and Varese (Monza, Brianza, Varese). In general, the golden podium was occupied by Lombardy.

The overall picture showed that in the first thirty positions - against twenty in 2012 and twenty three in 2011, which indicates an improvement in the economic situation - only the provinces of northern Italy are located. And of these, fifteen are in the northeast (four in Piedmont, the same in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, plus all the provinces of Emilia-Romagna, with the exception of Bologna and Rimini).

At the bottom of the ranking was the province of Venice (88th place with a standard of living characterized as "unsatisfactory"), southern and island provinces. At the very last place of Avellino, it is preceded by Salerno, Reggio Calabria, Messina, Caserta, Cosenza, Trapani, Vibo Valentia, Catania and Enna.


The province of Pisa took the first place in the "Health" section: both good provision of medical and sanitary personnel, as well as a sufficient number of places in specialized healthcare institutions are noted here.

At the head of the list are twenty provinces (in 2012 there were sixteen), which are characterized by high availability of sanitary and recreational services. Among them are six provinces of the north-east of the country (Varcelli and Alexandria in Piedmont in eighth and eighteenth positions, Aosta in nineteenth place, Lombard Milan and Pavia in second and fifteenth places, Genoa and Liguria in the seventh step), five from the north-west of the country (Belluno and Rovigo in Veneto in eighth and twelfth places, Pordenone in Friuli-Venezia Giulia in tenth position, Bologna and Ferrara are fourteenth and sixteenth respectively), four provinces of central Italy (Pisa and Siena in first and fourthplaces, Ancona in the sixth and Rome in the fifth) and five provinces from the southern and island parts (Isernia and Campobasso in Molise in the third and thirteenth places, Potenza in the twentieth position, Messina in the seventeenth). Closes the rating in the health system of the province of Medio Campidano.


The province of Pordenone opens the list, followed by Treviso and Matera. Then in fourth and fifth places were Udine and Belluno, and in sixth - the province of Oristano, which last year occupied the second line. However, the 2013 study confirmed the observations of past years, placing large cities in the last places of the rating. In the tail were the provinces: Latina, Naples, Foggia, Rome, Florence, Pescara, Ravenna, Bologna, Empire, Prato, Rimini and Milan.

The quality of life

On the pedestal, like last year, Trento and Bolzano are located. Next come provinces such as Aosta, Cuneo, Belluno and Siena, some of which have made a significant leap forward. Among the leaders, confirming the trend of previous years, were various provinces of the Veneto region.

The standard of living has noticeably increased in the provinces of central Italy.

Nevertheless, even in 51 provinces of the country, an insufficiently good or completely unsatisfactory standard of living was noted: forty of them are located in the southern or island parts of Italy, seven in the center, three in the northwest and one in the northeast. In Calabria, a decline in living conditions has been recorded in all provinces. The last place in the ranking is also occupied by the province of Calabria Crotone: unfortunately, according to the analysis, it lags behind both in financial and educational indicators, and in the healthcare system and the organization of labor of residents.

Watch the video: Visit Italy - The DON'Ts of Visiting Italy (December 2024).

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