
Study: Italy has the fastest internet

Italy boasts the fastest Internet connection in the world, which exceeds the speed of the global web even in such highly developed countries as Germany and England. It is to these conclusions that researchers from the United States came. However, Internet users from the southern regions of the country cannot agree with such statements.

Recent observations by researchers from world-famous universities contrast with early data, according to which the Internet speed in Italy is one of the lowest. Scientists from TIB, a resident of Silicon Valley in the United States, used a special index to calculate the exact connection speed. They found that the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula enjoy the Internet, which speeds up to 69.3 megabits per second, which is higher than that in Germany, the Netherlands and even South Korea. “Thanks to the amazing fiber-optic network, the Internet connection speed in Italy is much higher than most users think,” explained one of the researchers, Torsten Kirkpatrovik. Moreover, scientists found that Italy has every opportunity to develop such a speed of the Internet, which all other countries now can only dream of.

The results of the study were published on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the invention of the global network by British scientist Tim Berners-Leah. One of the Venetian IT experts said that the speed of Internet connection is growing much faster than he can imagine.

“It took me a split second last night to download the movie,” he says. “The problem with Italians is that they are not patient enough. As soon as their Internet connection is interrupted, they raise their hands to the sky, get up from the table, and go to the beach. They spend the rest of the time complaining to anyone who gets at the terrible speed of the Internet, while if they had stayed at the computer a little longer, they would have noticed that the connection in Italy is the fastest in the world. ”

A professor from a university in the Lombardia region, who wanted to express his opinion on the condition that his name is not named, said that the stereotype of low Internet speeds in Italy is rooted in rumors that the northerners are eager to assign all the precious megabits per second to myself. “More than 150 years after the unification of the country, the separation of“ north ”and“ south ”still exists,” the professor believes, adding that TIB, which was engaged in research, did not check the speed of Internet connections in regions located below the north country. “It reminds me of a struggle for olive oil ... the northerners want to keep it in order to get more money, while they really just don't want to share it with the southerners. Meanwhile, other regions are suffering. Why do you think Venice wanted to secede from the rest of Italy? ”

Watch the video: Learn Italian in 30 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need (December 2024).

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