
The main events in Italy in 2014

The outgoing 2014 turned out to be saturated for Italy with various events that somehow left a mark in the history of the country. From indefatigable tourists seeking to scratch their names on the walls of the majestic Coliseum, and to the change of prime minister, this is what happened on the Apennine Peninsula in 2014. It is difficult to single out the most important events, however we tried to do this and are ready to present you the most interesting and significant news.

"Great Beauty" Paolo Sorrentino won an Oscar

One cannot but agree that this news is worthy of coverage. The most talented director deservedly received an Oscar figurine for his film "The Great Beauty" ("La grand bellezza") in the nomination "Best Film in a Foreign Language". It is worth noting that for the first time in 15 years, this award went to the Italian filmmaker. In 1999, Roberto Begnini took Oscar to Italy for his film "Life is Beautiful" ("La vita e 'bella"). By the way, in 2014 Sorrentino announced his desire to make a mini-series about the heir to the Holy See - Pope Francis.

Sister Christina won a vocal show

This nun literally “burst” into the popular vocal show “Voice”, instantly captivating the judges with her spontaneity and striking the audience in the hall with a stunning voice. Sister Christina was sick half the country, she was supported by numerous admirers of her talent, even from abroad. And, it is expected that the favorite of the public won. After the end of the project, she is getting ready for the release of her first solo album, which, presumably, will be released by Christmas. In 2014, another clergyman became an Internet star: a dancing priest conquered the Eternal City with his fiery steps, which he performed in order to draw the attention of citizens to the upcoming canonization of popes.

Canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII

This relatively rare event always attracts many tourists to the Vatican, and the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII on April 27, 2014 was no exception. Crowds of tourists and pilgrims from all over the world wanted to personally attend and watch the solemn ceremony of the erection of two popes at once in the face of saints. Local television claimed that canonization was watched by nearly 2 billion people on the planet.

George Clooney about to marry in Venice

This news made a lot of noise and excited the city on the water. The wedding of a 52-year-old Hollywood actor and her chosen one, Amal Alamuddin, was not discussed except by a lazy one. And this is not surprising: every girl dreams of this. Luxurious dress, crowds of star guests and romantic vows of allegiance, pronounced at the water's edge in Venice. A luxurious motorcade with hundreds of honored guests and friends of the couple proceeded along the Grand Canal, which persistent paparazzi did not fail to take advantage of.

Berlusconi sentenced to community service in nursing home

This year turned out to be very busy for the infamous ex-Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi. The Italian billionaire managed to finally divorce his wife, pledging to pay her about 1.4 million euros per year, to listen and proceed with the execution of his sentence imposed on him for tax evasion, to declare that the Germans refuse to recognize the existence of concentration camps during the Second World War, and, finally, once again get into a delicate situation, calling his opponent in the elections to the European Parliament with Hitler.

Italy succeeded Prime Minister

In February, a post once occupied by Berlusconi was taken by the young and ambitious mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, who immediately promised a lot of reforms and changes. In 2014, he was praised and condemned, but the greatest interest in his person was caused when the politician created the youngest council of ministers with very, very attractive women.

Watch the video: Events to Look Forward to In Italy for 2015 (December 2024).

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Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours 3 lesson

Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours 3 lesson

Securing the passed material The third lesson we begin with the consolidation of the passed material, we conjugate several verbs. Verb HOPE SPERARE - HOPE, read "Sperara" IO SPERO - I HOPE ("Io Spero") TU SPERI - YOU HOPE ("Tu Speri") LUI SPERA - HE HOPES ("Louis SPERA" ONE LEAERAI LEI LEAERA LEI - YOU HOPE (respectful form) NOI SPERIAMO - WE HOPE ("Noi Speryamo") VOI SPERATE - YOU HOPE ("Voi Sperate") LORO SPERANO - THEY HOPE ("Loro Sperano", emphasis on the root of the word) , it reads "Ayutare" IO AIUTO - I HELP ("Io Ayuto") TU AIUTI - YOU HELP ("Tu Ayuti") LUI AIUTA - HE HELP ("Louis Ayut") LEI AIUTA - SHE HELPS LEI AIUTA - YOU HELP (respectfully ) NOI AIUTIAMO - WE HELP ( "Noah Ayutyamo") VOI AIUTATE - YOU HELP ("Voi Ayutate") LORO AIUTANO - THEY HELP ("Loro Ayutano") Verb TEACH INSEGNARE - TEACH, TEACH, read "Inyenare" IOENOESEGEN) TU INSEGNI - YOU ARE TEACHING ("Tu Inseni") LUI INSEGNA - HE TEACHES ("Louis Insenya") LEI INSEGNA - SHE TEACHES LEI INSEGNA - YOU TEACH (respectfully) NOI INSEGNIAMOEMY - I EXEMPLE TEACHING (“Voi Insigne”) LORO INSEGNANO - THEY TEACH (“Loro Insignano”) Verb TRY PROVARE - TRY, TRY, TRY, TRY, REHEARING, I read “I-hole” - ") TU PROVI - YOU WILL TRAIN (" Tu Provi ") LUI PROVA - IT WILL TEST (" Louis Prova ") LEI PROVA - IT WILL TEST LEI PROVA - YOU WILL TRY (respectfully) NOI PROVIAMO - WE WILL TRY (" Noah Proviamo ") VOI PROVATE - YOU ARE TESTING ("Voi Provate") LORO PROVANO - THEY ARE TESTING ("Loro Provano") Verb SEARCH CERCARE - SEARCH, read "Cherkare" IO CERCO - I LOOKING ("Io Cherko") TU CERCHI - YOU SEEK ("Tu Tu Cherki ") LUI CERCA - HE SEEKS (" Louis Cherka ") LEI CERCA - SHE SEEKS LEI CERCA - SHE SEEKS NOI CERCIAMO - WE SEEK (" Noi Cherkyamo ") VOI CERCATE - YOU SEEK (" Voi Cherkate ") LORO CERCAN LOOKING FOR ("Loro Cercano") Verb FIND TROVARE - FIND, read "Trovre" IO TROVO - I FIND ("Io Trovo") TU TROVI - YOU FIND ("Tu Trovi") LUI TROVA - HE FINDS ("Louis TROVA") LEI TROVA - HE FINDS LEI TROVA - YOU GO (respectfully) NOI TROVIAMO - WE FIND ("Noah TROVIAMO") VOI TROVATE - "Voi Trovate") LORO TROVANO - THEY FIND ("Loro Trovano") Example: CHI CERCA, TROVA - WHO SEEKS, THAT WILL FIND The verb SINGING CANTARE - SINGING, reading "Cantare" IO CANTO - I SING ("Io Kanto") TU CANTI - YOU ARE GOING ("Tu Kanti") LUI CANTA - HE SING ("Louis Kant") LEI CANTA - SHE SING LEI CANTA - YOU SING (respectfully) NOI CANTIAMO - WE SING ("Noi Cantyamo") VOI CANTATE - YOU SING ("Voi Cantata") LORO CANTANO - THEY SING ("Voi Cantano") Verb THINK PENSARE - THINK, read "Penzare" IO PE NSO - I THINK (“Io Pence”) TU PENSI - YOU THINK (“Tu Pensy”) LUI PENSA - HE THINKS (“Louis Pence”) LEI PENSA - SHE THINKS LEI PENSA - YOU THINK (respectfully) NOI PENSIAMO - WE THINK (“Noi Penciamo”) VOI PENSATE - YOU THINK (“Voi Pence”) LORO PENSANO - THEY THINK (“Loro Pensano”) Rules for building words In Italian, there is a general set of rules, following which you can predict how the word will look.
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Italian: Polyglot, lesson 1

Italian: Polyglot, lesson 1

We should not perceive language as a dictionary, a list of grammatical rules, structures, although this of course takes place and it is difficult to do without it. Nevertheless, all this can be reduced to an absolutely working minimum. Well, it would seem - words. There are thousands and thousands of words in every language, but there are statistics that say that 90 percent of spoken language in any language is in 300-400 words.
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Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours, abstract 6 lessons

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