
The Golden House of Nero needs millions of euros

The authorities of Rome need to find more than 30 million euros for the reconstruction of the Golden House of Nero, which is in poor condition and could collapse at any time.

Once this building was a symbol of the power and wealth of ancient Rome, but its venerable age of 2 thousand years makes itself felt. The authorities of the Eternal City faced the task of finding a huge sum to restore the palace of the great emperor Nero, now a whole complex of halls and frescoed rooms, located in the heart of Rome opposite the Colosseum.

Dozens of centuries ago, the palace began to be erected by order of Nero, in which Rome survived a terrible fire. However, the emperor did not see his new residence, he died four years after the start of construction work. The palace was abandoned, it later burned down, and other buildings spread out on its territory, including the “visiting card” of the capital of Italy - the Colosseum. Today, the "Golden House" of Nero is hiding under a huge park, which greatly damages the structure of the ancient building. The trees took powerful roots that destroy the roof of the building, heavy rains also damage the palace, eroding old murals.

The likelihood of the collapse of the palace of Nero, which was to become the largest city residence of the monarch in Europe, forced the city authorities to close it to visitors for almost 10 years. However, after so many years, the fate of the building was not decided. On Wednesday, a group of archaeologists, as well as the Italian Ministry of Culture, announced the creation of a new plan designed to remake the park above the palace, remove hundreds of tons of land from its roof and uproot trees, thereby reducing the risk of collapse of the building and preventing its further destruction. The new garden will be grown on a thinner layer of soil, the total weight of which will not harm the millenary walls of the palace. The project is designed for four years, after which the Golden House of Neuron will be reopened to visitors.

It would seem that the Rome authorities have solved all the problems, but the catch is that the government simply does not have the means to implement the project. That is why archaeologists urge private companies to take part in the rescue of one of the objects of the national heritage of Italy. “Unfortunately, government resources are very limited,” said Dario Franceschini, the country's culture minister, speaking in the center of the building, which could collapse right on his head. “This is a great opportunity for private companies to invest in an outstanding project that will attract public attention,” he added.

Nero, who was in power from 54 to 68 years of our era, intended to build a palace that would become a symbol of his wealth and power. Five years ago, archaeologists managed to find what they believe are fragments of a banquet hall, which, according to the plan of the ancient architect, was supposed to rotate. That is what Nero planned to surprise his guests. The huge hall was under an impressive mechanism that would allow the room to rotate slowly.

“Nero was going to recreate in the very center of the city a piece of the village where the lake would spread. It was later dried and the Colosseum was erected in its place, ”says Mariarosaria Barbera, specialist from the Italian Ministry of Culture.

Scientists and archaeologists worked in the palace, hoping to find some information on its owner, who was described as a "sadist and maniac." According to historians, Nero killed his own mother and beat his pregnant wife to death. However, it was under him that Rome was significantly restored after a devastating fire of 64 years. “He had a bad reputation, but he also had some advantages, including his desire to turn Rome into a huge metropolis,” explained Barbera.

Watch the video: Businesses urged to help pay for restoration of Nero's "golden palace" (December 2024).

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Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours 3 lesson

Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours 3 lesson

Securing the passed material The third lesson we begin with the consolidation of the passed material, we conjugate several verbs. Verb HOPE SPERARE - HOPE, read "Sperara" IO SPERO - I HOPE ("Io Spero") TU SPERI - YOU HOPE ("Tu Speri") LUI SPERA - HE HOPES ("Louis SPERA" ONE LEAERAI LEI LEAERA LEI - YOU HOPE (respectful form) NOI SPERIAMO - WE HOPE ("Noi Speryamo") VOI SPERATE - YOU HOPE ("Voi Sperate") LORO SPERANO - THEY HOPE ("Loro Sperano", emphasis on the root of the word) , it reads "Ayutare" IO AIUTO - I HELP ("Io Ayuto") TU AIUTI - YOU HELP ("Tu Ayuti") LUI AIUTA - HE HELP ("Louis Ayut") LEI AIUTA - SHE HELPS LEI AIUTA - YOU HELP (respectfully ) NOI AIUTIAMO - WE HELP ( "Noah Ayutyamo") VOI AIUTATE - YOU HELP ("Voi Ayutate") LORO AIUTANO - THEY HELP ("Loro Ayutano") Verb TEACH INSEGNARE - TEACH, TEACH, read "Inyenare" IOENOESEGEN) TU INSEGNI - YOU ARE TEACHING ("Tu Inseni") LUI INSEGNA - HE TEACHES ("Louis Insenya") LEI INSEGNA - SHE TEACHES LEI INSEGNA - YOU TEACH (respectfully) NOI INSEGNIAMOEMY - I EXEMPLE TEACHING (“Voi Insigne”) LORO INSEGNANO - THEY TEACH (“Loro Insignano”) Verb TRY PROVARE - TRY, TRY, TRY, TRY, REHEARING, I read “I-hole” - ") TU PROVI - YOU WILL TRAIN (" Tu Provi ") LUI PROVA - IT WILL TEST (" Louis Prova ") LEI PROVA - IT WILL TEST LEI PROVA - YOU WILL TRY (respectfully) NOI PROVIAMO - WE WILL TRY (" Noah Proviamo ") VOI PROVATE - YOU ARE TESTING ("Voi Provate") LORO PROVANO - THEY ARE TESTING ("Loro Provano") Verb SEARCH CERCARE - SEARCH, read "Cherkare" IO CERCO - I LOOKING ("Io Cherko") TU CERCHI - YOU SEEK ("Tu Tu Cherki ") LUI CERCA - HE SEEKS (" Louis Cherka ") LEI CERCA - SHE SEEKS LEI CERCA - SHE SEEKS NOI CERCIAMO - WE SEEK (" Noi Cherkyamo ") VOI CERCATE - YOU SEEK (" Voi Cherkate ") LORO CERCAN LOOKING FOR ("Loro Cercano") Verb FIND TROVARE - FIND, read "Trovre" IO TROVO - I FIND ("Io Trovo") TU TROVI - YOU FIND ("Tu Trovi") LUI TROVA - HE FINDS ("Louis TROVA") LEI TROVA - HE FINDS LEI TROVA - YOU GO (respectfully) NOI TROVIAMO - WE FIND ("Noah TROVIAMO") VOI TROVATE - "Voi Trovate") LORO TROVANO - THEY FIND ("Loro Trovano") Example: CHI CERCA, TROVA - WHO SEEKS, THAT WILL FIND The verb SINGING CANTARE - SINGING, reading "Cantare" IO CANTO - I SING ("Io Kanto") TU CANTI - YOU ARE GOING ("Tu Kanti") LUI CANTA - HE SING ("Louis Kant") LEI CANTA - SHE SING LEI CANTA - YOU SING (respectfully) NOI CANTIAMO - WE SING ("Noi Cantyamo") VOI CANTATE - YOU SING ("Voi Cantata") LORO CANTANO - THEY SING ("Voi Cantano") Verb THINK PENSARE - THINK, read "Penzare" IO PE NSO - I THINK (“Io Pence”) TU PENSI - YOU THINK (“Tu Pensy”) LUI PENSA - HE THINKS (“Louis Pence”) LEI PENSA - SHE THINKS LEI PENSA - YOU THINK (respectfully) NOI PENSIAMO - WE THINK (“Noi Penciamo”) VOI PENSATE - YOU THINK (“Voi Pence”) LORO PENSANO - THEY THINK (“Loro Pensano”) Rules for building words In Italian, there is a general set of rules, following which you can predict how the word will look.
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