
Sister Christina triumphed in Italian voice

A cheerful and charming nun became the winner of the Italian analogue of the vocal show “The Voice”, demonstrating an incendiary dance and brilliant performance of pop hits.

In the final, the nun competed with long-haired rapper Giacomo Voli, whom she beat by a significant margin (62% of the vote versus 38%). As always, dressed in long clothes and with a cross on her chest, Sister Christina thanked the Lord for her victory in the show “The Voice of Italy” and, to the general surprise of the judges and spectators of the contest, she said the prayer “Our Father”. “I want Jesus Christ to be here!” Exclaimed the 25-year-old nun after announcing the results of a spectator vote. “My participation depended not on me, but on higher powers!” Continued Christina.

The nun, a native of Sicily, who now lives with her order in Milan, received a contract to record an album at Universal Music as a prize for first place in a vocal show, despite the fact that Christina had previously stated that she was not going to pursue a career in show business. “I'm not here to start a career, I'm here because I want to get the message across,” said the 25-year-old star, referring to Pope Francis urging the church to be closer to the people.

“I have a gift, and I give it to you. Jesus endowed me with this. He wouldn’t mean that much if I hadn’t shared it. ”

Sister Christina, who was previously considered a rebel and played in the group, claims that after the show she will return to her usual activities in the church. “I will return to my habits: I will pray, get up early, attend the service. I need to do this in order to start something new someday. ”Even before the nun found out that she won the competition, she said that singing for her was“ one way to turn to the Lord and touch people hearts. " “I am standing on the earth, but my eyes are fixed on heaven. "My goal is to whiten people that the church exists everywhere, it can be with everyone.”

Sister Kristina became a celebrity a few months ago after her brilliant performance of world hits, including the song by Alisha Keyes “No One”, with which she won the judges at the casting, and compositions from the film “Dirty Dancing”. The nun also sang a duet with Kylie Minogue and Ricky Martin live.

And Christina’s energetic performance on the qualifying round literally “exploded” YouTube: it was watched more than 50 million times in record time. Despite her popularity, the nun claims that she remains a “modest servant” and prescribes her success on television to her “desire to live and love,” as well as her message, “beautiful and pure.”

In one of the few interviews, Christina said that she could not even think of such success when she went to the qualifying casting. “Absolutely not. I assumed that my appearance on The Voice would arouse some interest, but I did not expect it to get a resonance of this magnitude. I often receive messages in which many people who have one or another relation to the church thank me. ”The winner also noted that the word“ popularity ”means for her the opportunity to enter the hearts of people.

Watch the video: The Voice IT. Serie 2. Blind 2. Suor Cristina Scuccia - #TEAMJ-AX (December 2024).

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