
Pope's motorcycle went at auction for a record amount

Bonhams auction took place in Paris, where one of the lots was the classic Harley Davidson bike model “Dyna Super Glide”, once presented to the current Pope Francis. The former property of the pontiff was sold yesterday for a record amount: 241 500 eurothat is 16 times higher than the initial cost of the classic model of a well-known company.

Last year, bikers presented Francis with the Iron Horse, marking the 110th anniversary of the famous motorcycle manufacturer Harley davidson. However, Papa didn’t dare to risk dashing around on an iron monster in the Vatican, so he modestly signed on a tank and donated his gift to the Caritas Roma charity.

But there, the motorcycle of the legendary company was not found use. The leaders of the organization decided to put up a donation from the head of the Catholic Church at an auction in Paris, and send the proceeds from the sale to charity. Representatives of Caritas Roma assure that they even calculated the preliminary amount for which the Iron Horse will go. They hoped that generous philanthropists would purchase a motorcycle for 12-15 thousand euros. However, the organization could not even imagine that the pontiff's gift would be sold for record money: more than 240 thousand euros.

“This is a record amount from the sale of a 21st century post-vintage motorcycle,” said Bonhams auction house representatives, declining to give the name of the new owner. It is only known that the bike was acquired by an unknown from Europe.

The auction organizers also revealed that the initial bid of the lot was 12 thousand eurosHowever, the price did not scare potential buyers. Many bidders fought for Harley Davidson "Dyna Super Glide", and the flow of callers broke all records.

Later, the head of Bonhams admitted that there were so many people who wanted to buy a Pope’s motorcycle that the auction house simply didn’t have enough phone lines, and therefore many could not get through and name their offer.

However, the new owner of the bike still succeeded. And he did not miss his chance. The buyer suggested an amount to "kill" that no one dared.

In addition to the motorcycle owned by Pope Francis for only a few months, a leather jacket was also sold at the same auction, which was given to the pontiff by generous bikers as a necessary accessory to the Harley Davidson style.

Papa Francis autographed item auctioned off almost 50 thousand euroswho will also go to the Caritas Roma Foundation.

The organization has already revealed where the proceeds from the sale of the motorcycle and jackets will go: for the reconstruction of the dining room and hostel for the poor in the capital of Italy. These buildings were opened several decades ago and since then they have become a real haven and even a home for homeless and poor people.

“Caritas Roma” declares that the money received at the auction is enough to provide shelter and food for more than 1000 people in need.

The current head of the Catholic Church has repeatedly demonstrated that he prefers more modest and cheaper means of transportation. So, for example, last year, Pope Francis refused to use a luxurious limousine intended for him by status. He preferred a luxury car ... a bus.

Francis now uses the Ford Focus.

Later, the pontiff refused to move to the papal chambers, becoming the first Pope to break the old tradition. Francis did not approve of the presence of personal protection. The pontiff explains his actions by the fact that he strives for the simplest possible life and claims that while still being a simple Argentinian cardinal, he preferred to travel by public transport.

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Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours 3 lesson

Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours 3 lesson

Securing the passed material The third lesson we begin with the consolidation of the passed material, we conjugate several verbs. Verb HOPE SPERARE - HOPE, read "Sperara" IO SPERO - I HOPE ("Io Spero") TU SPERI - YOU HOPE ("Tu Speri") LUI SPERA - HE HOPES ("Louis SPERA" ONE LEAERAI LEI LEAERA LEI - YOU HOPE (respectful form) NOI SPERIAMO - WE HOPE ("Noi Speryamo") VOI SPERATE - YOU HOPE ("Voi Sperate") LORO SPERANO - THEY HOPE ("Loro Sperano", emphasis on the root of the word) , it reads "Ayutare" IO AIUTO - I HELP ("Io Ayuto") TU AIUTI - YOU HELP ("Tu Ayuti") LUI AIUTA - HE HELP ("Louis Ayut") LEI AIUTA - SHE HELPS LEI AIUTA - YOU HELP (respectfully ) NOI AIUTIAMO - WE HELP ( "Noah Ayutyamo") VOI AIUTATE - YOU HELP ("Voi Ayutate") LORO AIUTANO - THEY HELP ("Loro Ayutano") Verb TEACH INSEGNARE - TEACH, TEACH, read "Inyenare" IOENOESEGEN) TU INSEGNI - YOU ARE TEACHING ("Tu Inseni") LUI INSEGNA - HE TEACHES ("Louis Insenya") LEI INSEGNA - SHE TEACHES LEI INSEGNA - YOU TEACH (respectfully) NOI INSEGNIAMOEMY - I EXEMPLE TEACHING (“Voi Insigne”) LORO INSEGNANO - THEY TEACH (“Loro Insignano”) Verb TRY PROVARE - TRY, TRY, TRY, TRY, REHEARING, I read “I-hole” - ") TU PROVI - YOU WILL TRAIN (" Tu Provi ") LUI PROVA - IT WILL TEST (" Louis Prova ") LEI PROVA - IT WILL TEST LEI PROVA - YOU WILL TRY (respectfully) NOI PROVIAMO - WE WILL TRY (" Noah Proviamo ") VOI PROVATE - YOU ARE TESTING ("Voi Provate") LORO PROVANO - THEY ARE TESTING ("Loro Provano") Verb SEARCH CERCARE - SEARCH, read "Cherkare" IO CERCO - I LOOKING ("Io Cherko") TU CERCHI - YOU SEEK ("Tu Tu Cherki ") LUI CERCA - HE SEEKS (" Louis Cherka ") LEI CERCA - SHE SEEKS LEI CERCA - SHE SEEKS NOI CERCIAMO - WE SEEK (" Noi Cherkyamo ") VOI CERCATE - YOU SEEK (" Voi Cherkate ") LORO CERCAN LOOKING FOR ("Loro Cercano") Verb FIND TROVARE - FIND, read "Trovre" IO TROVO - I FIND ("Io Trovo") TU TROVI - YOU FIND ("Tu Trovi") LUI TROVA - HE FINDS ("Louis TROVA") LEI TROVA - HE FINDS LEI TROVA - YOU GO (respectfully) NOI TROVIAMO - WE FIND ("Noah TROVIAMO") VOI TROVATE - "Voi Trovate") LORO TROVANO - THEY FIND ("Loro Trovano") Example: CHI CERCA, TROVA - WHO SEEKS, THAT WILL FIND The verb SINGING CANTARE - SINGING, reading "Cantare" IO CANTO - I SING ("Io Kanto") TU CANTI - YOU ARE GOING ("Tu Kanti") LUI CANTA - HE SING ("Louis Kant") LEI CANTA - SHE SING LEI CANTA - YOU SING (respectfully) NOI CANTIAMO - WE SING ("Noi Cantyamo") VOI CANTATE - YOU SING ("Voi Cantata") LORO CANTANO - THEY SING ("Voi Cantano") Verb THINK PENSARE - THINK, read "Penzare" IO PE NSO - I THINK (“Io Pence”) TU PENSI - YOU THINK (“Tu Pensy”) LUI PENSA - HE THINKS (“Louis Pence”) LEI PENSA - SHE THINKS LEI PENSA - YOU THINK (respectfully) NOI PENSIAMO - WE THINK (“Noi Penciamo”) VOI PENSATE - YOU THINK (“Voi Pence”) LORO PENSANO - THEY THINK (“Loro Pensano”) Rules for building words In Italian, there is a general set of rules, following which you can predict how the word will look.
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