
Pinocchio Shop in Rome

I am sure everyone in childhood read or at least heard of such a literary character as Pinocchio. Well, this is the naive kid who buried money in the ground in the hope of multiplying his fortune.

But not everyone knows that the character of Pinocchio, as well as many storylines of the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio" were borrowed by Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy from the Italian writer Carlo Collodi and his work Pinocchio.

Essentially the same thing. Over time, it becomes not so important who “borrowed” the heroes from whom. The fact that many Italian and Russian children know and love Pinocchio Pinocchio.

If in Rome you go from the Pantheon towards Via del Corso along Via dei Pastini, you cannot fail to notice this amazing store dedicated to a wooden little boy cut down from Italian pine (Italian: Pino - pine).

Although the bike is not the most convenient mode of transport in Rome, it is precisely on it that Pinocchio meets all visitors to the store. Great, of course, is also wooden, though three-wheeled, for children.

What is there just here: watches, magnets, various figures. Prices for nostalgia for childhood are in the range of 4-50 euros for a souvenir.

  • I advise you to read: what to bring from Italy as a gift?

For boys, more likely Italian, there are even Pinocchio figures in the form of the most popular football clubs in Lazio, Juventus and Milan. Just for 13 euros.

Even if you do not plan to buy anything, I am sure you will be curious to look into this store-museum.

Do not pass by.

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Watch the video: Pinocchio Shop in Rome (December 2024).

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Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours, abstract 6 lessons

Polyglot: Italian in 16 hours, abstract 6 lessons

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