Trip planning

Climate and weather in Rimini for months

Rimini is located on the Adriatic Sea on the Padan Plain, surrounded by the foothills of the Apennines and the Alps. That is why the local climate cannot be unambiguously defined as Mediterranean or as continental: there are features of both. But one thing is certain: the weather was lucky for the residents and visitors of the city. Moreover, almost regardless of the time of year or month. That is why there is always something to do in Rimini.

Weather in Rimini in January

January is a traditional period of big sales. Shopaholics from all over Europe come to the city, and it doesn’t matter at all that the daytime temperature practically does not exceed 7 ° C, and at night the thermometer drops to 0 ° C.

January weather, when compared with the north of Europe, is mild and warm in its own way. True, frosts are possible at night, and in the morning - a thick "oil" fog. It is quite windy during the day, but there is less rainfall than in summer. Those who have already missed the winter can visit one of the indoor ice rinks that operate here until mid-February.

February weather

If February is not particularly windy, the time allotted for a trip to the city should be spent with maximum benefit, walking through local attractions. The temperature in Rimini in February is about 9 ° C during the day and 1 ° C at night. In the morning, fog is still so thick that it may seem like the ships in the port are standing on a white carpet.

The average temperature in Rimini in February is around 9 ° C

Sometimes February also brings pleasant surprises, signaling the approach of spring: the temperature rises, the wind subsides, the sun begins to shine more generously, it rains less often.

March weather

The weather in March is already so warm that tourists begin to gather in the city. It is still too early to swim in the sea: the temperature of both water and air rarely exceeds 11-13 ° C. But nothing will interfere with sports, both indoors and outdoors, since all conditions have been created for the resort.

Not time for night walks. No matter how soft climate in Rimini, but even in a thick sweater and a warm jacket, you hardly want to walk at 5 ° C. In addition, the first month of spring is usually rainy, and rain can charge for a whole day.

April weather

April in Rimini is the best month for outdoor sports and sightseeing. The thermometer reaches 17 ° C during the day, and at night the temperature rarely drops below 7 ° C. On the beaches, preparations for the season begin, but so far you can swim only in hotel pools.

April is the best month for outdoor sports

Despite the rains, the April weather is quite stable. This month, entertainment centers such as Mirabilandia, Dolphinarium, Aquafan Water Park, aquarium, Aviation Park and Italy in Miniature Park begin to operate normally.

May weather

The weather in May is so good that banal comparisons with "heaven on Earth" begin to come to mind. In the middle of the month, the swimming season opens, although the water in the Adriatic is still quite cool - around 18 ° C. During the day, the thermometer shows about 21 ° - 22 ° C, at night - about 11 ° C.

Short-term rains may occur every other day, but may not last a week, but there is usually no heavy rainfall here. Often the weather is sunny and calm. And if it seems not the most favorable for a beach holiday, you can always have a great party by the hotel pool or attend the events of the international festival "Get your hands to the sun."

May weather in Rimini can be called "paradise on Earth"

June weather

The temperature in June of both water and air rises immediately to 23-25 ​​° C. Warm at night - 15-17 ° C. June is usually sunny, rains can be sudden, but, fortunately, short-lived.

The weather in Rimini in June refutes the opinion of hot Italy. But still, setting off to see the sights in the city and its environs, it is worth using sunscreen “on the track”. In the middle of the month, the Ferris wheel starts to work, from where you can enjoy the local beauty.

July weather

July in Rimini begins with the grand night of the Rose Night. Despite the fact that the "pink nights" are held throughout Italy, it is believed that it is on the Roman Riviera that they pass on a special scale. This is facilitated by the weather itself - sunny and warm. However, one or two times a week are possible and short-term rain showers.

Daytime temperature is about 28 ° C, but at night it drops by 8-10 ° C. Thus, the proximity of two large mountain ranges affects. But the water temperature remains unchanged at any time of the day - about 25 ° C.

Weather in August

August weather favors beach vacations. In the autumn, it still doesn’t “smell”, and temperature indicators, in comparison with July, diverge by 1-2 ° C. Rains can sometimes pass, but usually they are short-term and warm. On average, the daily temperature is about 27 ° C, at night - 17 ° C.

August weather favors beach vacations

August is the traditional time for the Federico Fellini Film Festival and the Rimini Stars contest. Shopping fans also come to the city for a big summer sale.

Weather in September

September is traditionally considered the velvet season. The water in the sea still does not have time to cool down - it is kept at 24 ° C, there is little rain. In general, the September weather in September is quite favorable for any type of leisure: beach holidays, water sports, exploring antiquities and going to the mountains.

Air temperature during the day - 24 ° C, at night - 15 ° C. By the end of the month, beaches begin to empty, and tourists from the coast gradually move to the surrounding villages, where autumn fairs begin. Even the rains at this time will not hurt to buy good wine and cheese from local farmers.

Weather in October

October is the time of the final closing of the bathing season and the wettest month of the year. This does not mean that rainfall is constant, but even short-term rain can already be quite cold. Winds begin to blow, and there are storms.

October - final closing time of the swimming season

In their luggage, tourists traveling to Rimini in October must have an umbrella, raincoat or dense windbreaker, as well as warm clothes, especially considering that the day temperature here is up to 19 ° C and up to 10 ° C at night.

Weather in November

The climate in Rimini is, of course, mild, but to a certain extent. Sunny days, which November is not rich in, can suddenly give way to prolonged inclement weather with strong winds and storms at sea. Fortunately, bad weather can be waited in one of the museums or restaurants, most of which are open all year. Indoor ice rinks also open. However, the November temperature drops rapidly: to 10-12 ° C during the day and to 3-5 ° C at night.

Weather in December

December is the time to prepare for the Christmas holidays. Shopaholics have nothing to do in this city until the end of the month. But there is something to do for those who are interested in looking at short-lived Christmas masterpieces of sand, of course, if it does not interfere with the rains that occur here 3-4 times a week.

December - time to prepare for the Christmas holidays

The temperature in Rimini in December is not winter by northern standards - around 9 ° C during the day and 1 ° C at night. However, in recent years, the weather can also “make a joke,” turning a light rain into a fine snow for a while.

Other useful articles:

  • The best Rimini hotels for families with children
  • Rimini: you cannot forbid to live beautifully
  • Rimini airport and how to get to the city
  • The best beaches of Rimini and the surrounding area
  • Outlets in Rimini: geography for shopaholics

Photos by: Raffaele Birnardo, Walter Gregori, Turismo Emilia Romagna, Sharon Mollerus, Riccardo Ghinelli, David Bramhall.

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