
The trial of Berlusconi: trial of prostitutes

As a result of the investigation, resumed by Bari prosecutors, seven people were summoned to court. Among them is the Bulgarian actress, known by the parties of the former prime minister, as the "Bee Queen". The first hearing will be held on February 6, 2014.

This trial will be the second in the case. On charges of organizing, as well as complicity in prostitution, seven judges will appear before the judges: the brothers Gianpaolo and Claudio Tarantini, Sabina Beganovik (who was dubbed the "Bee Queen" of the parties of the former head of government), actress Francesca Lana and Letizia Felippi, as well as friends and associates of Janpa - Maximiliano Verdoschia and Pierluigi Faraone.

The eighth accused, the lawyer of Salvatore Castellanet, will be judged by a simplified procedure: the hearing will be held on December 10. As witnesses, one after the other, 26 girls will act, whom businessman Gianpaolo Tarantini forced to engage in prostitution with Silvio Berlusconi. Most of the girls are representatives of the escort service, however, among them is also the dancer Manuela Arcuri, who twice rejected the businessman’s “attractive” offer.

According to the prosecution, with the help of the Gianpi girls, Tarantini wanted to establish friendly relations with Berlusconi, who at that time was still the Prime Minister of Italy, for a more profitable business. In particular, he sought to get a contract with Finmeccanica (one of the largest engineering holdings in Italy) and with the Department of Civil Defense. To this end, over the course of 9 months from September 2008 to May 2009, Gianpaolo brought girls 21 times to entertain the President of the Council of Ministers. Thus, Gianpi, Verdosia, Castellaneta and Faraone organized a criminal group, hiring young girls to provide intimate services to the ex-prime minister. It was assumed that, in turn, Berlusconi would give his friend Gianpaolo "special powers" and help him establish business relations in the highest layers of society. And if the party at the whim of Berlusconi, organized in Rome, suddenly moved to Arcora, the caravan of “Janpi girls” on the presidential plane also moved to Lombardy, as it happened on November 26, 2008.

The rest of the accused will appear before the court for aiding organized prostitution. According to the prosecution, Lana, Began, and Filippi eventually became “recruiters” of girls chosen personally by Tarantini for their “young age and fragile physique.”

Slowly establishing closer friendships with Berlusconi, Gianpaolo learned about the prime minister’s forbidden dream - to spend the night with Manuela Arcuri. Then he decided to provide this “friend” with this opportunity and tried to persuade Manuel to engage in prostitution together with Francesca Lana. However, his attempts were unsuccessful.

However, on January 28, Arkuri herself mentioned to Janpy that "if the prime minister invites her to a meeting, he will not remain disappointed," hinting, according to investigators, "the alleged sexual intimacy." The head of government and actress met on February 11, 2009, but the meeting ended in a bad way. To please Berlusconi, Gianpi tried to arrange a meeting again, but on February 18, 2009, the prime minister spoke out in the spirit that “he was outraged and spoiled by Manuela’s vulgarity during an interview for the TV show“ Mad Dogs ", so he doesn’t want a new meeting with Arkuri "

The final testimony of Gianpaolo will no doubt be examined by the Court with great attention.

Watch the video: Berlusconi trial: Former PM accused of sex with underage prostitute - FOCUS 06242013 (December 2024).

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